Posts in protein
Muscle Food

So, you’ve read Vegetarianism 101 and are trying to eat meat only from farms who put their animals first – awesome! But this new way of living is lot of work (tell me about it). Eating out is a pain in the butt, and time, which no one seems to have, is going into planning meals weeks in advance. So, what’s my secret solution? Well, I’m not eating meat. Now you might be wondering…how am I getting enough protein? Well, here’s everything you need to know about protein. Also, just wanted to say thank you to a couple of readers who’ve asked me this question and gave me the idea to write about it today – thanks!

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The Muscle of Flour AKA Gluten

A couple of weeks ago, some friends and I tried to attend the Gluten Free Expo that was taking place in Vancouver. We thought this would be the perfect opportunity to learn about the up and coming ‘gluten-free’ products we could offer future clients. However, after waiting in line for an hour and a half, we were told we only had another hour and a half to go! So, we decided to get a refund and some brunch. According to the apology email, we were sent a couple of days later, over 20,000 people tried to attend this particular expo! What should we take away from this?

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The Magic Number 23

20-35% of your total daily calories should come from fat because in addition to providing flavour, texture, and energy, dietary fats supply fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin A, D, E, and K). Because fats are more energy-dense than carbohydrates and proteins, they also help us to feel full and satisfied after eating a high-fat meal and may help us lengthen the time between meals.

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What You Need to Know Before Entering a Grocery Store

According to the great Michael Pollan we should only eat foods that eventually rot. To elaborate – food processing began as a way to extend the shelf life of food by protecting it from fungi, bacteria, insects and rodents. The more processed a food is, the longer the shelf life, and the less nutritious it becomes. Real food is alive and will eventually die! So, how can you bring this new knowledge into the grocery store? Try shopping the peripheries of the supermarket.

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Beans, Beans, the Magical Fruit...

…the more you eat the more you toot. I really dislike this saying and I think for two good reasons – one, are beans actually a fruit? And two I hate the word toot! Well, according to my sources legumes ARE in fact the dried fruit or seed of a leguminous plant in the leguminosae family and include: peas, beans, alfalfa, soybeans, and lentils. However, in the fresh form, they are used as vegetables. What do ya know – I learned something too!

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Hunger Games

What does a deck of cards, a golf ball and a tennis ball all have in common? Well, besides the ability to play with each of them they’re all accurate portion sizes! In this day and age we eat too much but who’s to blame? Is it us and our inability to stop when we are full or is it the food industry, who continues to serve us these huge portions? My goal for this week is to give you the tools you need to eat the right portions when you come face-to-face with a dinner plate.

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Pill Poppers Anonymous

I know you’re out there…all you pill poppers who love to take endless amounts of vitamins and minerals…but the question is are they all necessary? A couple of weeks ago we talked about omega 3 supplementation and I promised you a post on multivitamins, so here it is. Plus this also gives me the chance to tackle a reader’s question on protein powder.

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