What Causes Bloating?

Bloated? Constipated? Unexplained diarrhea? Gas? What is going on with our gut? It is estimated that sixty to seventy million Americans and about twenty million Canadians have digestive issues. And about 30% of adults suffer from bloating. So what exactly is bloating? What causes it? And what are some quick fixes?

What is Bloating?

Your experience of bloating might be different from someone else’s. It might be a feeling of excessive fullness after eating, or your belly could actually be distended. Some people have bloating with gas (from either end), and it could be painful. Some people have relief after going to the bathroom, some people wake up bloated while others find that their bloating builds as the day progresses. What you might be surprised to know is that while bloating often feels like too much gas, research suggests that isn’t actually the case.

What Causes Bloating?

Because bloating doesn’t look the same for everyone, you might expect that it has multiple causes…and you’d be right! What causes bloating for one person might not be the same for another. Here are some of the main culprits:

  • Swallowing air (gum chewing, or talking while eating)

  • Eating gas-producing foods, such as fizzy drinks

  • Eating too quickly, which leads to poor chewing and swallowing more air

  • Overeating: note that if we wait too long between meals we tend to overeat

  • Meal size vs abdominal size; if you have a small abdomen, you will notice it expand more when you eat

  • Sluggish digestion, such as slow stomach emptying or slow elimination

  • Dietary changes, such as eating more fibre-rich plant foods

  • Dysbiosis: imbalance in the intestinal bacteria

  • Stress, which can cause your digestion to slow down

  • Drinking smoothies too quickly, which will carry a big osmotic load

So, when is bloating normal, and when is it a sign of something else?

Everyone toots! Studies have shown that the average person generates 0.6-1.8L of gas per day…even if they don’t realize it. For lots of people, the passage of gas through the digestive tract causes no symptoms and is a sign of a healthy, happy gut. But some people experience frequent burping or belching, uncomfortable abdominal bloating, and lots of gas. If this sounds like you and you have significant ongoing digestive issues, the first thing to do is always see your health care practitioner to rule out any serious underlying causes.

Bloating is complicated. What works for someone else might not work for you. That’s why it is recommended that you work with your favourite health care professional or dietitian to get really clear and individualize your care.

If your bloating is accompanied by any of the following symptoms, you should see a doctor promptly: blood in your stool, difficulty swallowing, recurrent vomiting, unintentional weight loss, fever, or jaundice.

10 Quick Fixes For Bloating:

We want to leave you with some quick solutions for bloating – and not all of them have to do with the foods you eat. Some will help with what causes bloating – while others simply relieve the bloating itself.

  1. Eat slowly and chew food well. The better you chew your food, the more efficiently you will digest it, leading to less food left in the stomach for fermentation.

  2. Gradually increase fibre in your diet. If you want to start eating more high fiber plant foods, don’t add too much all at once! It takes time for your gut to get used to fibre. Instead, start with one fibre-rich meal a day, like a chickpea scramble.

  3. Avoid talking with your mouth full. You’ll swallow more air.

  4. Skip the straw and bubbly beverages at mealtime.

  5. Try not to eat when upset or in a hurry. It can hinder digestion due to the brain-gut connection.

  6. Drink some peppermint tea. It is a carminative, meaning it helps to relax the gut muscles. Use 2-3 tea bags per cup, or take enteric coated peppermint oil as needed

  7. Chew fresh, picked or dried ginger or sip it as a tea throughout the day. It helps with stomach emptying.

  8. Chew a few organic fennel seeds after a meal. Fennel is a traditional remedy for gas and improving digestion.

  9. Move your body. Exercise improves gas clearance from the bowel.

  10. Avoid alcohol. It can irritate the gut and dehydrate, leading to constipation.

What about digestive enzymes for bloating? While many people feel they work for them, there is just not enough evidence for their effectiveness. If they fit the budget, they are probably fine for an occasional rescue remedy. However, digestive enzymes aren’t fixing the underlying cause of bloating so if you find you are reaching for them daily, better to get some one-on-one advice.

And don’t forget to manage your stress! Stress can actually be an enormous contributor as there are very deep and complex connections between your brain and your enteric nervous system, with what happens in one area affecting the other. Write out a list of your favourite activities and try to do one a day. If exercise is one of those activities, lucky you, as you can kill two birds with one stone (ugh, I really do hate that expression!) as exercise helps promote movement in the gut and clearance of gas.

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Photo by Deeana Arts on Pexels