FODMAP Ingredients - The Joy of Label Reading

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Learning to read food labels is a minefield on the low FODMAP diet! As so many high FODMAP foods are added to products to help enhance their texture and taste, so to help you out, here's a quick list of low FODMAP thickeners and a list of high FODMAP additives.


Quick note on the wheat starch - despite the "wheat" name, this is allowed as it contains a longer-chain carbohydrate and is not a FODMAP...why do they make this confusing?!?

But what about "spices?" Many herbs and spices are safe for FODMAPers, but if the label just says “spices” and doesn’t specify which ones it's a different story! For those buying U.S. products, the FDA does not allow garlic or onion to be hidden within “spices”, which means that at least we know in those instances that we are free and clear of those high FODMAP ingredients. But in Canada, garlic or onion can be “hidden” within “spices”. Best case scenario - avoid that product and/or call the manufacturer.

Hope this helps!


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Photo by Lisa Fotios from Pexels