Posts in fruits & vegetables
3 New Year's Resolutions to Keep

We are officially five weeks into the New Year, so how are all those New Year's resolutions coming along?

The statistics on how many people actually follow through and accomplish their New Year’s resolutions are rather grim. Studies have shown that less than 25% of people actually stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8% accomplish them. Please don’t be part of that statistic.

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B.C. Grown: How to Shop Locally & Sustainably

I began my dietetics career as a supermarket dietitian at Choices Markets - a B.C. owned and operated retailer of natural, organic and specialty foods. After spending five glorious years with the company in this position and eventually working as the nutrition manager, I can honestly say, I truly understand the importance of a sustainable food system. One of my favourite parts of the job was visiting local farmers and food producers and sharing the information with you! You have already met some amazing farmers but now, I would like to introduce you to my produce guru Dave Wilson. Dave is my go-to guy for anything produce - what’s in season, why are blueberries here so early and all my other weird produce questions! So, sit back and relax and enjoy this interview with the one-of-a-kind Dave!

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Move May

I’m moving every single day this May to conquer cancer! Workout to Conquer Cancer is one of Canada’s largest online fitness challenge fundraisers and brings together communities of cancer survivors and hundreds of others who have been impacted by the disease. Funds raised stay right here in B.C., fuelling the work of scientists and clinicians as they continue to advance research, enhance care, and improve the lives of people facing cancer today.

Whether you are taking part in this month-long fundraiser or just looking for some tips on how to eat to fuel your workouts, I’ve got you covered!

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Superfoods or Superhype?

Superfoods or superhype? The short answer to this confusing and complicated question of whether superfoods actually exist is no. While preparing for a talk last week on power-packed cooking, I fell down the rabbit hole of superfoods on the internet - exploring where this crazy term came from, and if there was any real science behind these supposedly nutrient dense foods.

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Health Up Your Workday

The headlines warned us years ago that sitting was the new smoking, but even as awareness of the problem grows, our behaviour still has not changed! Why? Is it because of workplace culture? Uncomfortable standing shoes? Or nonspecific recommendations regarding how long we should sit for? We could sit here (no pun intended) for hours debating the inner workings of our society but the question still remains what can we do about it? Could a standing desk be a solution to our problem?

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4 Foods for Healthy Skin

It's time to take care of our largest organ - our skin! This amazing organ does so much for us: it is our first line of defence against microbes and pollution, it regulates our body temperature, protects us from the sun's potentially cancer-causing ultra violet (UV) rays and it's a great diagnostic tool for overall health. Did you know that how you eat and drink can affect your skin? Here are our top 4 foods for healthy, glowing, and vibrant skin.

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