Posts tagged iron
Pond Scum Anyone?

On the blog a few months ago, I wrote a whole post calling out “superfoods” because of their endless health claims, from curing allergies and candida to detoxifying the body and aiding in weight loss. And instead encouraged everyone to think of single ingredient foods as “superfoods,” such as pumpkin seeds, hemp hearts, legumes, slow burning grains and dark leafy greens.

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It's Time to Walk the Talk!

As a retail dietitian, I’ve situated myself in an optimal environment to learn exactly where our food comes from and to understand all the people involved in the process. As a consumer of food, which we all are, it is our responsibility to know this information, but starting down this inquisitive path can be overwhelming, especially when reaching out to local farmers and asking them some difficult questions. So, I will start us down this path! Meet farmer Marc from Island Bison Ranch.

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Eat Like Popeye before Donating Blood

June 14th is World Blood Donor Day, which means it’s the perfect time to donate blood. However, if you’re anything like me, your luck with being a successful donor might be low. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve called the clinic to book my appointment then arrived on time only to be turned away because my hemoglobin was too low? Well, it turns out I’m not alone.

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Pill Poppers Anonymous

I know you’re out there…all you pill poppers who love to take endless amounts of vitamins and minerals…but the question is are they all necessary? A couple of weeks ago we talked about omega 3 supplementation and I promised you a post on multivitamins, so here it is. Plus this also gives me the chance to tackle a reader’s question on protein powder.

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Go Nuts and Beans!

In 2009, approximately 2.5% of adults in the United States and 4% of adults in Canada followed a vegetarian diet. Additionally, 20 to 25% of Americans reported eating at least 4 meatless meals a week. Vegetarianism has been growing in popularity due to consumer concerns surrounding the economic and ecological impact of eating meat-based diets. So, what are the alternatives? A recent reader expressed her interest in fake meat, which unfortunately is not the answer to a meatless meal, so I’ll spend some time here discussing meat alternatives.

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Power Couples

Pretend you’re not reading a food blog right now…if I were to ask you to name a ‘power couple,’ what would you say? Brad and Angelina? William and Kate? What about chickpeas and red pepper? Probably not the last one – but I hope after you read this post that the term ‘power couple’ will have a whole new meaning to you.

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Two Best Friends - Iron and Vitamin C

Trace minerals such as iron are something people don’t usually talk about, but why? Maybe it’s because as their definition implies, they are needed in such small quantities that they are perceived as not important. However, they are essential for normal development, function, and overall health. So what do I mean when I say ‘small quantities’? In this case I’m referring to 100 mg a day. In fact, all of the trace minerals combined make up less than 1% of the minerals in our body. As the old adage goes, good things come in small packages.

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