3 Ways to Eat Well in 2014


Happy New Year!

Now that your taste buds are satisfied with all sorts of food from the holidays, have you promised yourself once again that this year you will eat better? No need to be overwhelmed! Here are three sensible eating goals that can make this year your healthiest one yet.

1. Make vegetables and fruit part of every meal.

Health Canada recommends eating at least one dark green and one orange vegetable each day. Dark green vegetables are rich in folate, while orange vegetables are a great source of vitamin A. An easy way to sneak fruit and vegetables into your diet is by making delicious, nutritious smoothies.

2. Eat more fish.

Fish is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. Aim for two palm-sized or 2 ½ oz servings a week and you will reach your brain healthy omega-3’s. Buy fresh or frozen fish that has not been breaded, battered or deep-fried.

3. Eat when you’re eating - stop multi-tasking!

Sit down when you eat, turn off your electronic devices and enjoy your meal. Research shows that people tend to eat larger portions when eating in front of a screen, and are more likely to choose foods high in fat, sugar and calories. By bringing awareness to the meal, you’re more likely to recognize when you are full and stop eating.

This article can also be found in the Choices Markets January Staff Newsletter – thank you Choices for giving me this opportunity!


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Image courtesy of OlegZaicev