Posts tagged dessert
Health At Every Size

Food. How can I put into words how much I appreciate and love food? To have someone prepare food for you is such a wonderful treat, to share that food with people you love is a priceless experience and it’s magical to see how many different ways the same vegetable can be prepared. However, I am so disheartened when I hear stories of people struggling with eating disorders. And now there’s new research to suggest that middle-aged and older women are suffering from body dissatisfaction…this is not a young persons disorder anymore! What is wrong with our society? Here’s a new perspective on dieting.

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Poppa's Kitchen Wisdom

Before getting into dietetics last September I took ‘cooking lessons’ with the best chef I knew – my grandfather. Considering I started our lessons not knowing there was a proper way to chop an onion, I learnt a lot from him. Yes, I could have taken professional cooking lessons from a fancy school but the hours I spent with my grandfather were priceless and now that he’s no longer with us I will cherish those moments forever. I dedicate this post to my Poppa even though he once called blogs “people’s dirty laundry.” Please enjoy his wisdom as much as I did. 

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