Rotten Egg #5 – Water

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According to Dietitians of Canada, it’s a myth that we need to drink 8 glasses of water a day. I know some water-haters out there will be jumping for joy, but before you get too exited, let me explain.

The amount of fluid you need every day to stay hydrated depends on your age, gender and activity level. Hot and humid weather can also increase your needs. The beauty of this myth is that ‘fluid’ does not equal water, but can also be: milk, juice, coffee, and tea.

What…Coffee and tea?!?!

Check out my post “The World’s Most Popular Drug” for more information, but to recap: although caffeine is a mild diuretic, intakes up to 500 mg/day don’t cause dehydration as often thought.

With that being said, water remains one of the best fluid choices because it has zero calories. So, how much fluid do you need? To keep hydrated aim for a fluid intake of: 3 L (12 cups) for men 19 years and over each day and 2.2 L (9 cups) for women 19 years and over each day

Fluid helps control our body temperature, facilitates digestion, transports nutrients, cushions organs and joints, removes waste and maintains regular bowels movement. So in other words, it helps us stay healthy and energized. Watch for signs and symptoms of dehydration, which include: thirst, dry lips and mouth, flushed skin, tiredness, dark strong smelling urine, dizziness, fainting, low blood pressure, increased heart rate, irritability, and headaches.

Tidbit - you might be thirsty if you can’t stop munching…your body will sometimes trick you in consuming extra foods when all it actual wants is fluid. So, next time you reach for the fridge door grab a glass of water to test this.

PS. I did not include alcohol in the list of fluids for a reason…nice try!


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